A Framework for Distributing Scalable Content over Peer-to-Peer Networks


  • I. Introduction
  • II. Related Work
  • III. NextShare Integration
  • IV. Producer-Site Architecture
  • V. Consumer-Site Architecture
  • VI. Evaluation
  • VII. Future Work
  • VIII. Conclusion

This paper presents a framework for the distribution of scalable content in a fully distributed Peer-to-Peer network. The architectural description includes how the scalable layers of the content are mapped to the pieces distributed in the Peer-to-Peer system and detailed descriptions of the producer- and consumer-site architecture of the system. The presented system is claimed to be the first open source Peer-to-Peer network with full Scalable Video Coding (SVC) support. The test of the multi layer implementation showed a clearly better performance than the single layer implementation in all situations where the bandwidths are restricted or bandwidth fluctuations occur. The presented system is fully compatible with third-party media consumption solutions due to the utilization of the HTTP, RTP, and SDP protocols for content provision from the P2P system to the media consumption modules. This makes the system easy to use and customizable for interested users.This work is supported in part by the European Commission in the context of the P2P-Next project (FP7-ICT-216217).

A technical lay-out of a new architecture for internet television, this is relevant for IT-workers in broadcasting archives that are considering peer-to-peer distribution of their content.