The adoption by the UNESCO General Conference in October 1980 of the Recommendation for the Safeguarding and Preservation of Moving Images marked a historic moment when film, television and sound recordings became officially recognized and defined as part of the national cultural heritage in the same way textual information had been regarded for centuries.
UNESCO objective is the development of audiovisual archival infrastructure, trained professionals and accepted professional reference points to ensure the safeguard and preservation of the audiovisual heritage of humanity.
Working in close cooperation with the seven NGOs which make up the Co-ordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA), the Organization supports the production policy statements and position papers on key issues such as copyright, legislation and technical standards; promotes the exchange of information on audiovisual issues and implements projects in support of audiovisual archiving throughout the world.
The website contains a list of documents, projects and events relevant for audiovisual archives, and news on the United Nations policy on audiovisual heritage.