Een digitaal archief in 10 stappen


  • 1. Inleiding
  • 2. Overzicht
  • 3. De 10 stappen
  • 4. Besluit
  • 5. Meer Informatie

This short paper (14 pages) describes in ten-steps, the essential tasks to be undertaken when building an OAIS compliant ‘trusted digital repository’, with special focus on ingest and object management. The steps are divided into three areas: hard- and software architecture considerations; functionality needed to ensure readability, authenticity and file integrity; and documenting the entire system. Each step begins with a description of what function the step plays and then goes on to define, for that step , ‘what’ must be done, ‘when’ it must be done, and ‘how’.

This short ten-step plan surprisingly succeeds in presenting the essential criteria underlying a trusted digital preservation repository by putting in relatively plain terms, the ‘what, when and how’ those criteria must be met. It does not go into any detail on specific organizational requirements but they are touched upon in the various ‘what, when and how’ descriptions. Carefully avoiding the use of OAIS terminology, it can be a useful instrument to introduce IT staff to the (archive related) context and concepts within which digital storage systems need to work if running a ‘trusted digital repository’ is the goal.