The Rich News system, that can automatically annotate radio and television news with the aid of resources retrieved from the World Wide Web, is described. Automatic speech recognition gives a temporally precise but conceptually inaccurate annotation model. Information extraction from related web news sites gives the opposite: conceptual accuracy but no temporal data. Our approach combines the two for temporally …
Ritroverai- A web application for semantic indexing and hyperlinking of multimedia news
In this paper, a system, RitroveRAI, addressing the general problem of enriching a multimedia news stream with semantic metadata is presented. News metadata here are explicitly derived from transcribed sentences or implicitly expressed into a topical category automatically detected. The enrichment process is accomplished by searching the same news expressed by different agencies reachable over the Web.
Camera Motion Detection
Manual camera motion annotation has been performed by three groups using a tool provided by Joanneum Research. Some types of content made it difficult or impossible for human annotators to describe the camera motion. The comparison of annotations of the same content done by two groups shows significant differences for some features. We discuss the questions that arise from the …
D15.3 State of the Art of Content Analysis Tools for Video, Audio and Speech
Contents: 2 Document Scope 3 Executive Summary 4 Overview Part A: Visual Content Analysis Tools 5 Low-level Visual Features 6 Spatial/Spatiotemporal Segmentation 7 Shot Boundary Detection 8 Video OCR 10 Defect and Quality Analysis Part B: Content Analysis Tools for Audio and Speech 11 Low-level Audio Features 12 Use of Low-Level Audio Features 13 Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) Part C: …
Analysis of current audiovisual documentation models, Mapping of current standards D15.1
Contents: 1 Executive Summary 2 Overview 3 Data Models (Customized/Legacy) 3.1 RAI Documentation Model 3.2 INA Documentation Model 3.3 FARAO (ORF) 3.4 IMMIX (B&G) 3.5 DR Metadata Standard 4 Data Models (Sample of Standards) 4.1 Dublin Core 4.2 SMEF (BBC) 4.3 MXF Metadata Schema 4.4 SMPTE Metadata Dictionary and Structure 4.5 P_Meta Metadata Exchange Scheme (EBU) 5 Overall Conclusion 6 …
Web-Assisted Annotation, Semantic Indexing and Search of Television and Radio News
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Speech Recognition 3. Topical Segmentation 4. Key-phrase Extraction 5. Search of the Web for Related Documents 6. Manual Annotation 7. Creating Story Index Documents 8. Semantic Annotation 9. Search and Retrieval of Broadcasts 10. Evaluation of Rich News Annotator 11. Future Developments 12. Conclusion References In het kader van het Europese onderzoeksproject PrestoSpace is het ‘Rich …