Web Archiving Service

This portal provides researchers and the public the opportunity to search through a collection of webarchives. The webarchives concern a specific topic or a specific part of the Californian government.
Partners to this webservice (WAS), as well as researchers, WAS curators and webmasters each get specific insights into the portal.

Users can choose a webarchive from the alphabetical list, thus opening the search interface. There the archived webpages (including linked objects, like PDF, video, audio or Office-files) are searchable full-text. Search filters are available for website name or file type. Finally there is also a browsing option within the chosen webarchive, in order to browse the list of captured websites.

When viewing a specific webpage from the search result list, it is possible to browse between the several different versions of that same page. To reference each version, a persistent link or Archive URL is in use.

Participating organisations can apply this portal to manage their own webarchive.

Interesting example of how to present a collection of webarchives. The clear search interface is offered per webarchive. For AV-archives or cultural heritage institutes who consider to supply a webarchive to their public, the portal provides extensive information (Tab Information for Potential Partners), including instruction videos, about this service.