The Problem of the Yellow Milkmaid : a Business Model Perspective on Open Metadata


  • 1. Executive Summary
  • 2. Introduction
  • 3. Supply and Demand
  • 4. Open Licences
  • 5. Business Model Perspective
  • 5.1. The role of metadata in current business models
  • 5.2. Risks and benefits of innovating the business model
  • 6. Conclusion

Europeana and its partners have been exploring the issues surrounding open metadata for about a year. This report presents the outcome of a workshop, held in July 2011, focussing on the consequences of releasing metadata under CC0 for the business model of cultural institutions. The participants, a.o. BBC, INA, Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid, Rijksmuseum as well as several national libraries and archives, conclude that the possible risks (loss of attribution and (potential) income) will be outweighed by the benefits of open sharing and open distribution (linked open data).

Inspiring report for policy makers as the role of metadata, both in direct and in indirect revenue streams, is seen as key to the mission of cultural heritage institutions. Acknowledged trends in society and in the cultural heritage sector form relevant input for the revision of marketing strategies and business models of (AV) archives.