The Next Stage: Moving from Isolated Digital Collections to Interoperable Digital Libraries

Contents: 1. What is a Library? 2. Brief Digital Library History 3. Moving Toward a More User-centric Architecture 4. General Processes and Stages of Technological Development 5. The Importance of Standards 6. The Next Stage: Moving from Isolated Digital Collections to Interoperable Digital Libraries. This article which appeared in the online journal First Monday (Volume 17, Number 6, June 2002) …

Guidelines for Audiovisual and Multimedia Materials in Libraries and Other Institutions

This guideline is aimed to assist library staff on handling and managing audiovisual and multimedia resources. It provides general guidance on: organisation and administration of the library (staff requirements and education) budget considerations acquisition and legal deposit of material copyright and licencing issues Cataloguing and Bibliographic Access Archiving and Storage Digitisation and Preservation It also considers the use of the …

Evaluation and User Studies with Respect to Video Summarization and Browsing

Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The benefits of thumbnails and query context 3. The benefits of storyboards as visual overviews 4. Temporal surrogates: storyboards with text and video skims 5. Information visualization: summarizing across sets of video documents 6. TRECVID as an evaluation forum for video summarization and browsing 7. Difficulties in evaluating information visualization interfaces 8. Reflections on Informedia user …

D7.1.4 Audiovisual Digital Preservation Status Report 2

Contents: Scope Executive Summary 1 A summary of PrestoPRIME public activity in 2010 2 A Digital Preservation Primer 3 Digital Management and Preservation 4 Technology – Brief Encounters 5 Century Store – shining light into the “digital black hole” 6 Relevance of Digital Preservation to Broadcast Archives 7 Glossary Voor de zesde maal verschijnt deze jaarlijkse stand van zaken over …