Preserving Digital Public Television Final Report

Contents: New Preservation Practices for Television Archives Project Goals Deliverables and Activities Impact and Contributions Appendices. This final report presents the outcomes of the Preserving Digital Public Television Project, funded by the the NDIIPP at the Library of Congress. After providing some context on the need for the project it goes on to detail its goals and successes. This final …

Strategies for Sustainable Preservation of Born Digital Public Television

Contents: Executive Summary Chapter 1- Introduction and Overview: A Sustainable Approach to Digital Preservation Chapter 2- Why Save Program Files? Making the Case for Preservation Chapter 3- Requirements for Sustainable&nbsp Preservation &nbsp Chapter 4-&nbsp Economics of Sustainable Preservation Chapter 5- Case Study: Preserving Digital Public Television, Costing the Prototype Repository Chapter 6- Conclusion: Public Television Has the Capacity to Support …

Toekomst voor ons digitaal geheugen (2): strategische agenda voor duurzame toegankelijkheid, strategienota 2010-2013

Contents: Voorwoord Strategische agenda NCDD 2010-2013 De voortrekkers Uittreksels uit het NCDD-rapport ‘Plog’: Hoe het verder ging na het NCDD-rapport. Deze ‘strategische agenda’ beschrijft het belangrijkste strategische doel van de  NCDD: het komen tot één landelijk netwerk waarin duurzaamheidsvraagstukken structureel worden aangepakt, alsmede de manier waarop dit te bereiken. Een essentiele component in deze strategie is de rol die de …

D7.1.4 Audiovisual Digital Preservation Status Report 2

Contents: Scope Executive Summary 1 A summary of PrestoPRIME public activity in 2010 2 A Digital Preservation Primer 3 Digital Management and Preservation 4 Technology – Brief Encounters 5 Century Store – shining light into the “digital black hole” 6 Relevance of Digital Preservation to Broadcast Archives 7 Glossary Voor de zesde maal verschijnt deze jaarlijkse stand van zaken over …

D7.1.5 Audiovisual Digital Preservation Status Report 3

Contents: Scope Executive summary 1. A summary of PrestoPRIME public activity in 2011 2. PrestoPRIME technology 3. PrestoCentre Developments in 2011 4. Technology – Brief Encounters 5. UK, European and International Developments 6. Preservation of Signals 7. Glossary 8. References This status report is the seventh in a series of annual reviews of audiovisual preservation in Europe produced by the …