Contents: 1. Introduction 2. From spoken-word archive to multimedia information portal 3. Automatic annotation using automatic speech recognition 4. The Buchenwald user interface 5. Discussion and conclusion References This paper presents and discusses ongoing work aiming at affordable disclosure of real-world spoken heritage archives in general, and in particular of a collection of recorded video interviews with Dutch survivors of …
Guidelines on the Production and Preservation of Digital Audio Objects (Web version)
Contents: Publication Information Introduction to the Second Edition Introduction to the First Edition 1. Background 2. Key Digital Principles 3. Metadata 4. Unique and Persistent Identifiers 5. Signal Extraction from Original Carriers 6. Preservation Target Formats and Systems 7. Small Scale Approaches to Digital Storage Systems 8. Optical Discs 9. Partnerships, Project Planning and Resources References. These extensive guidelines, subtitled …
Extending Domain-Specific Resources to Enable Semantic Access to Cultural Heritage Data
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Related Work 2.1. Semantic Web Technologies in the Cultural Heritage Domain 2.2. Information Extraction 3. A Case Study: Tate Online 3.1. Users’ Requirements for Semantic Search 3.2. Prototype Development 4. Semantic Annotation 4.1. Information Sources 4.2. Recognising Imperfections in the Information 4.3. Extending Pre-Existing Sources with Information Extraction 5. Evaluation 5.1. Evaluating Semantic Annotation 5.2. Semantic …
Metadata and Semantics in Digital Object Collections: A Case-Study on CIDOC-CRM and Dublin Core and a Prototype Implementation
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Digital Repository Systems for Cultural Heritage 3. From Metadata to Ontologies 4. Towards a Semantic Enrichment of CIDOC-CRM 5. Bringing Dublin Core to the Semantic Web 6. A Prototype Implementation 7. Conclusions De auteurs bespreken twee metadata standaarden die in de cultureel erfgoedsector veel gebruikt worden voor de ontsluiting van digitale collecties: CIDOC-CRM en Dublin Core. …
Digital Tape Preservation Strategy: Preserving Data or Video?
This paper advocates for a data-transfer migration approach (FireWire) instead of an audiovisual signal output approach (SDI) when migrating tape based, digital born content in a DV codec. It describes the nature of DV tapes (miniDV and DVCam) and how transcoding the content rather than migrating the native data files results not only in a loss of valuable metadata, but …
D3.1 Preliminary document analyzing and summarizing metadata standards and issues across Europe
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Data Preservation Strategies 3. Preservation Metadata Initiatives and Standards 4. Relevant Framework 7 Projects 5. Relevant Framework 6 Projects 6. Other Relevant Projects and Developments 7. Institutional Issues 8. Preservation Metadata for Games 9. Non-preservation Metadata for Games 10. Abandonware Sites 11. Abbreviations 12. Bibliography 13. Endnotes This large deliverable (85 pages) from the KEEP project …