Contents: 1 Introduction 2. The Metadata Access and Delivery Area 2.1 Metadata in the archive management process 2.2 Data models and standard formats 2.3 General architecture 3. Documentation infrastructure 3.1 Content analysis 3.2 Semantic analysis 3.3 Manual annotation 4. Publication infrastructure 5. Conclusions and future work 6. References. Toelichting op onderzoek en ontwikkeling van het Metadata Access and Delivery (MAD) …
What Archives Want: the Requirements for Digital Technology
Een kort en goed overzicht van de eisen die audiovisuele archieven moetenstellen aan de digitale opslag-industrie. De onderliggende gedachte is dat AV-archieven hun opslagfunctionaliteit kunnen uitbesteden onder bepaalde condities, te weten: garantie op duurzaamheid en courantheid (‘ persistence’ en ‘currency’ ) alsmede duidelijke informatie over de daaraan verbonden kosten. Goede introductie tot het onderwerp ‘digitaal contentmanagement’ voor niet-technici. Het stuk is geschreven om …
Documenting the Archive: Using Content Analysis Techniques
The purpose of this article is to provide basic information on the possible benefits of employing content analysis techniques for documenting television and radio archives. It is based on the considerable experience gained by RAI over recent years in this field. The article also looks analytically at the impact these new archive documentation techniques will have on traditional working practices.
Measurement and Evaluation of Analog-to-Digital Converters Used in the LongTerm Preservation of Audio Recordings
The analog-to-digital (A/D) converter lies at the heart of the encoding side of a digital audio system, and is perhaps the most critical component in the entire signal chain. The A/D converter must discretely sample the analog signal, quantify the amplitude of the sample, and represent the measurement as a binary word. Whereas conversions made with the A/D converter’s counterpart—the …
Metadata guidelines for describing born digital programs
This report, prepared under the Preserving Digital Public Television (PDPTV) project, provides an overview of descriptive and preservation metadata standards that are considered appropriate for long-term accessibility of digital television programs. Context and metadata types are briefly outlined. The recommendation from the NDIIPP project to work with a combination of PBCore, METS and PREMIS within the OAIS model is taken …
Ontology-Driven Interoperability for Cultural Heritage Objects : Working Notes
Contents: Introduction CIDOC CRM and an Integrated Approach to Semantic Interoperability FRBR Ontology-driven Interoperability for MPEG-7 EDL Project: Challenges of Multilingual Access to Multilingual European Content Interoperability in the European Library Semantic Interoperability via Ontology Mapping Achieving Interoperability in the MichaelPlus Project Semantical Interoperability with IMAGINATION Content using Standardized Ontologies SKOS – Dutch Cultural Heritage Institution Thesaurus Conversion Use Case …