NFSA Journal vol. 1

The main focus is the intellectual nature of curatorship and its principal manifestations in the audiovisual world. Among the reference points for the views outlined below are: the FIAF Code of Ethics, the UNESCO Recommendation on the preservation of moving images (1985), the General Guidelines of UNESCO’s ‘Memory of the World’ project, the codes of ethics and definitions of organisations such as FIAF, IFLA, ICA, ICOM, the Code of Ethics of the …

Chasing Technology The Challenge of Preserving Audiovisual Records

Archivists who work with audiovisual records often find themselves confronting a challenge their counterparts who deal with traditional paper records do not have. They must often act as “bucket brigades”—chasing one “fire” after another as rapidly changing technology threatens to render the media formats storing audiovisual records obsolete and inaccessible. What these archivists face is the daunting task of preserving—and …

EAI Online Resource Guide for Exhibiting, Collecting & Preserving Media Art

EAI’s Online Resource Guide for Exhibiting, Collecting & Preserving Media Art addresses key issues and brings together information on current practices and critical dialogue relating to single-channel video, computer-based art and media installation. The Preservation section was created by IMAP (Independent Media Arts Preservation), a nonprofit resource for preserving electronic media. The Guide features a range of essential information: Best …

TRAC: Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification: Criteria and checklist

This document contains the current best practice on the organisational and technical infrastructure for reliable storage of digital collections, or trusted repositories. The document discusses the criteria trusted repositories should comply with, giving examples. The checklist – that begins with self assessment – can be used to get a picture of an orgaznisation’s own skill and the threats and risks …