Understanding the Information Needs of Web Archive Users

Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Related work 2.1 Web Archive Users 2.2 Users’ Information Needs 3. The PWA User Interface 4. Methodology 4.1 Data collecting methods 4.2 Experiment # 1: Search logs 4.3 Experiment # 2: Interactive Questionnaire 4.4 Experiment # 3: Laboratory study 5. Results 6. Discussion and Conclusions 7. Acknowledgements 8. References Appendix A. Survey about the search of …

Library of Congress Web Archives

The Library of Congress Web Archives (LCWA) is composed of collections of archived web sites selected by subject specialists to represent web-based information on a designated topic. For example: Iraq War 2003 Web Archive, September 11 2001 Web Archive and several United States Election Web Archives. The web sites were harvested by the Internet Archive and were cataloged using the …

Webarchivering in Nederland: de status anno 2011

Contents: Websites archiveren is iets anders dan websites verzamelen (collectievorming) Websites archiveren: &lsquo Websites zijn archieven in de zin van de Archiefwet&rsquo Websites verzamelen: problemen met auteursrecht en kwaliteitscontrole Duurzaamheid nog een groot technisch probleem Hoe gaan we webarchiveren/webverzamelen verder organiseren? Op 18 april 2011 organiseerde de NCDD een rondetafelbijeenkomst over webarchivering. Deze eerste verkenning van het landschap in Nederland …

Web Archiving Blog Roundup

Overview of thirteen blogs where web archivists from all over the world are speaking out about issues they encounter, uses of archives, and innovations in tools and technologies. Six blogs report on web archiving only: Australia’s Web Archives ; Internet Archive Blogs ; Internet Memory Foundation Blogs ; Portugese Web Archive ; UK Web Archive Blog and WebArchiv (in Czech). …


Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Issues 3. Standards 4. Software 5. Case Studies 6. Conclusions and Recommendations 7. Glossary 8. References and Bibliography This report introduces and discusses the key issues, for example selection, limitations of current crawlers, authenticity, temporal coherence, viruses and de-duplication, faced by organizations engaged in web archiving initiatives. Section 4 presents available integrated systems, like PANDORA Digital …