This article’s subtitle is ‘Snapshots from the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative (FADGI)’. The author presents an overview of decisions the initiative’s Audio-Visual Working Group has made concerning format choices and the handling of embedded metadata for audio and moving image files. It describes its choice of WAVE/BWF formats for audio and its approach to embedding metadata in these formats. …
An HTTPBased Versioning Mechanism for Linked Data
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Resource Versioning 3. The Memento Framework 4. Memento Resource Versioning 5. Memento Resource Versioning and Linked Data 6. The DBpedia Demonstrator 7. Related Work 8. Conclusions 9. Acknowledgements 10. References Appendix A. An RDF/XML Timemap Het Memento project ontwikkelt een manier om met behulp van het HTTP protocol een webarchief op te bouwen waarin de gebruiker …
Mapping Audiovisual Metadata Formats Using Formal Semantics
Contents: 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 Approach 4 Prototype Application 5 Conclusion and Future Work Acknowledgments References Preserveren van digitale audiovisuele content houdt o.a. in dat gezorgd moet worden voor duurzame toegankelijkheid. Dit kan betekenen dat niet alleen de bestanden, maar ook de betrokken metadata af en toe moeten migreren naar een meer courant metadatamodel. Het correct kunnen mappen …
Repository Design Report with Attached Metadata Plan
Contents: Executive Summary 1. Background 2. OAIS Reference Model and Terms 3. Preservation Repository Design 4. Core Archival Information Package Structure 5. PDPTV Archival Information Package Structure 6. PDPTV Submission Information Packages 7. PDPTV Archival Information Package Generation and Metadata Plan 8. Content Transfer to the Library of Congress 9. Summary 10. Remaining Work 11. Acknowledgements Appendix 1 Glossary and …
Preservation and Curation in Institutional Repositories
A report on the state of the art of preservation and curation in an institutional repository context, noting areas of recent and current research and development. The document gives an overview into some of the most relevant repository models and architectures providing examples of preservation planning tools including technologies for metadata extraction and emulation. It should be of interest principally …
Digital Preservation Metadata Standards
Valuable scientific and cultural information assets are created, stored, managed, and accessed digitally, but the threat of losing them over the long term is high. Digital media are brittle and short lived. Hardware and software technology continues to evolve at a rapid rate. Changes in organisations and their cultural and financial priorities add risk to continued accessibility and long-term preservation of digital assets. Unlike print-based materials, digital …