Visualizing Mapping of Metadata Properties

Contents: 1 Introduction 2 Implementation 3 Conclusion and Future Work In het kader van PrestoPRIME is het instituut Joanneum Research een systeem aan het ontwikkelen voor het automatisch mappen van metadata. Hiertoe wordt de semantische betekenis van de diverse kenmerken uit de verschillende formaten in kaart gebracht en legt het systeem relaties tussen de juiste bronmetadata en doelmetadata. Dit artikel …

Folkstreams Guide to Best Practices in Film Digitization

Contents: 1.0 Background 2.0 Discovering and acquiring films 3.0 Film and video digitization 4.0 Website Infrastructure 5.0 Metadata 6.0 Preservation 7.0 Advertising and Outreach 8.0 Evaluation 9.0 Appendices and links 10. Works cited and bibliography This guide describes how the Folkstreams project selects, acquires, digitizes and provides access to documentary films about American folk or roots cultures. It addresses selection …

Archipelproject: Social Impact & Examples (Preserving our History in a Sustainable Digital Way series)

Video is titled “Teaser” on YouTube Archipel is a project based on the finding that a sustainable digital archive infrastructure is needed in Flanders in order to ensure a structural approach to the problem of digital archiving. The  project is also based on the fact that there is an important role for players from the world of arts, cultural and …