Preservation Guide

Click on the links below to access the PDF’s. Navigation Guide Introduction Overview of Preservation 1 What is preservation 1.1 Maintenance 1.2 Digitisation 1.3 Conservation 1.4 Restoration 1.5 What this document covers, and doesn’t cover Getting Started 2.1 Where to start: cartography! 2.2 Muster your resources 2.3 Prioritise Develop a Strategy 3 Collection strategy 3.1 Long-term purpose if the preservation …

Planning for Preservation at the Irish Film Archive

In this webinar, Raelene Casey talks about the process the Irish Film Institute went through to develop and put on paper its preservation plans. The IFI Irish Film Archive published its new Digital Preservation & Access Strategy, which outlines its response to the challenges and opportunities of archiving vast quantities of moving image material in a digital environment, in June …

Flowchart for Open Online Publication of AV Material

How do we know whether the collection can be made available online? How about copyright? To get a clear view on this, Sound and Vision developed a flowchart which is the basis for every copyright research within its collection. The flowchart makes you aware of copyright. It’s an instrument that provides structure in asking the right questions and finding answers. …

Stroomschema voor online publicatie AV-materiaal

Materiaal ‘open’ online aanbieden houdt in dat het materiaal niet alleen als stream beschikbaar is, maar ook downloadbaar is om grootschalig hergebruik op een laagdrempelige manier mogelijk te maken. Dat doet Het Nederlands Insituut voor Beeld en Geluid door films op Open Beelden te zetten en daarna te ‘doneren’ aan Wikimedia Commons, waarna koppeling aan een artikel op Wikipedia mogelijk wordt. Door het …