Safeguarding the Audio Heritage: Ethics, Principles and Preservation Strategy

  IASA TC-03 identifies problem areas and makes recommendations for the use of audiovisual archives in a modern technical environment. These recommendations should be seen as a balance between the ideal and reality. This paper sets out the general ethical and technical principles that underlie audio preservation. The document contains recommendations for digitization and file formats, but does not address …

Accidental Wow Defect Evaluation Using Sinusoidal Analysis Enhanced by Artificial Neural Networks

A method for evaluation of parasitic frequency modulation (wow) in archival audio is presented in this paper, published in the PrestoSPACE project. The proposed approach utilizes sinusoidal components as their variations are highly correlated with the distortion variations. The sinusoidal components are extracted from audio signal by means of sinusoidal modeling procedures being often severely distorted and in case of …

Chasing Technology The Challenge of Preserving Audiovisual Records

Archivists who work with audiovisual records often find themselves confronting a challenge their counterparts who deal with traditional paper records do not have. They must often act as “bucket brigades”—chasing one “fire” after another as rapidly changing technology threatens to render the media formats storing audiovisual records obsolete and inaccessible. What these archivists face is the daunting task of preserving—and …

Evaluation of the maximal modulation frequency for wow and flutter detection

Author of this paper participated in the development of several algorithms for wow and flutter characteristic determination. The algorithms were found useful in some real-life restoration procedures, however, there was no study of their capabilities in terms of the maximal determined modulation frequency. This paper presents such a study for three algorithms, i.e. the power-line hum tracker, high frequency bias …