Digital Audio Interstitial Errors

  This document describes a phenomenon knows as a ‘Digital Audio Interstitial Error’ which occurs when a digital audio stream is being written to disc. It makes the case that such an error is more prevalent than spoken of in the preservation community and that no tool exists to properly detect it at present. It also suggests a possible solution …

Vdfp audio and video fingerprinting

Contents: Techniek in het kort Sound & Vision Pilot Sound & Vision Pilot Results ZiuZ Sound & Vision Pilot Results JRS Sound & Vision Pilot Results Future improvement on current results. Presentatie ter afronding van het project vdFP Video Fingerprinting (2009-2010) waarin de mogelijkheden zijn onderzocht voor de uitrol van deze technologie binnen Beeld en Geluid. Voor het project is …

The State of Recorded Sound Preservation in the United States: A National Legacy at Risk in the Digital Age

Contents: Acknowledgements Foreword Introduction and Summary 1. Sound Recording Collections: An Overview of Preservation and Public Access in the Twenty-first Century 2. Technical Issues in Digital Audio Preservation 3. Development of Curricula in Recorded Sound Preservation and Archives Management 4. Preservation, Access, and Copyright: A Tangled Web Appendix A. National Recorded Sound Preservation Study: Announcement of Study and Public Hearing …

Digital Audio Interstitial Errors: Raising Awareness and Developing New Methodologies for Detection

This short document (11 pages) describes a phenomenon knows as a ‘Digital Audio Interstitial Error’ which occurs when a digital audio stream is being written to disc. It makes the case that such an error is more prevalent than spoken of in the preservation community and that no tool exists to properly detect it at present. It also suggests a …