D6.2 Knowledge database and report on U-matic tape condition

Contents: 1. Document Scope 2. Executive Summary 3. Overview of this report 4. Introduction to U-Matic 5. Guidelines and Recommendations 6. Tape Playability Tables 7. Conclusions Appendix A: Archive holdings of U-Matic Appendix B: U-Matic problems found by archives Appendix C: Cost of Transfter of U-Matic Appendix D: Problems encountered during U-Matic tape transfer Appendix E: Converting serial numbers to …

Sustainability of Digital Formats. Planning for Library of Congress Collections

Contents: Introduction Sustainability Factors Content Categories Format Descriptions. De Digital Formats Web website is gewijd aan de analyse van de technische aspecten van de digitale content. Ze geeft vooral informatie over digitale formats. De beschrijvingen dienen niet alleen als hulpmiddel bij formatkeuze, maar ondersteunen ook conserveringsprocessen. De website richt zich op de formaten die geassocieerd worden met media-onafhankelijke digitale content. …

DCC Digital Curation Manual. File Formats

Contents: Introduction and scope Background and developments to date Documentation of formats Format relationships Development of preservation friendly formats How the topic applies to Digital Curation Format identification Format validation Characterization Assessment Topic in action Standardization Ingest workflow Preservation strategies Notification and recommendation systems Next steps Future developments Conclusions References: Print, Online Fora Terminology An annotated list of key external …

Format Characteristics and Preservation Problems

The Field Audio Collection Evaluation Tool (FACET) is a point-based, open-source software tool that ranks audio field collections based on preservation condition, including the level of deterioration they exhibit and the degree of risk they carry. It assesses the characteristics, preservation problems, and modes of deterioration associated with the following formats: open reel tape (polyester, acetate, paper and PVC bases), …