Excellence in Digital Preservation

This website contains white papers, webinar presentations and other material with a particular focus on the preservation of data: the results of research. The information on storage, risks, trust and repositories has direct relevance to audiovisual files and their preservation.   From the website:    “Digital encoding dominantes how information is created, shaped and exchanged. This dependence carries many risks. …

A framework of guidance for building good digital collections

  Overview of the main components of creating and managing digital collections. Provides a framework for identification, organisation and application of (existing) knowledge. The document is intended for two types of readers: cultural heritage organizations that start projects for the creation of digital collections and funding organisations wanting to support the development of sustainable digital archives. The principles for assessing …

Keeping Research Data Safe

The rising tide of digital research data raises issues relating to access, curation and preservation for Higher Education Inistitutions (HEIs) and within the UK a growing number of research funders are now implementing policies requiring researchers to submit data management, preservation or data sharing plans with their funding applications. This study provides brief overviews of the potential benefits to HEIs …