Contents: Executive Summary 1 Definitions and Standards 2 Preservation Metadata Strategy as Implemented by Ex Libris’ Rosetta and the National Library of New Zealand 3 Preservation Metadata in Digital Libraries/Repositories 4 Preservation Metadata and Audiovisual Content 4.1 PDPT=Preserving Digital Public Television 4.2 Memories 4.3 Archipel 4.4 Other relevant work 5 PrestoPRIME Use of Preservation Metadata Conclusions Glossary References Dit rapport …
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
Contents: About the initiative DCMI News Documents Tools and software Groups Projects Resources. Dublin Core is een initiatief van de brede ‘information community’ om te komen tot een basale metadata set die het uitwisselen van metadata over digitale content in de vorm van video, audio, stilstaand beeld, tekst of webpagina’s vergemakkelijkt. Uitgebreidere metadata standaarden worden dan ook voor dit doel …
Understanding PREMIS
Contents: 1. Premis in Context 2. Data Dictionary Conventions 3. Premis Data Model 4. The Data Dictionary 5. Premis in Use   Appendice A: List of all PREMIS Semantic Units Appendix B: Object Example Appendix C: Glossary of Terms. Een kort overzicht van de PREMIS Preservation Metadatastandaard. In deze gids wordt helder uitgelegd wat de opzet is van PREMIS, hoe …
D2.1.1 Audiovisual preservation strategies, data models and value-chains
Contents: Scope Executive summary 1. Value-chains and business-models for AV preservation 2. Comparison of preservation strategies 3. Preservation metadata models and extensions Annex I: Calculating TCO for storage in perpetuity Annex II: Considerations on lossy compression and decoding. This report on preservation strategies covers three different but related areas. It begins with business models and value-chains and concerns how a …
D5.2.1 Definition and Design of a PrestoPRIME Reference Architecture for the Integration Framework
Contents: Executive Summary Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. State of the Art: Architecture 3. State of the Art for Submission Information Package (SIP) 4. Submission Information Package (SIP): Wrapper Specification 5. Reference Architecture 6. Conclusions References This deliverable presents a technical analysis and abstract design of the software framework for the OAIS based PrestoPRIME Preservation Platform. The framework should …
D2.2.2 Metadata Models, Interoperability Gaps and Extensions to Preservation Metadata Standards
Contents: Scope Executive summary 1 Expectations on (preservation) metadata standards with regard to a/v content 2 Models for metadata types in the digital library community and cultural heritage domain 2.1 Models for descriptive metadata 2.2 Specific metadata models for a/v content 2.3 Models for preservation metadata 2.4 Models for provenance metadata 2.5 Models for rights metadata 3 Shortcomings and gaps …