Preservation 101- Preservation Basics for Paper and Media Collections

Preservation 101 is an online course that will help you learn about the basics of preservation in the context of small and moderately-sized library or archival collections. This course was produced as one component of a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services awarded to the Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC). The grant supported training and resources for …

PDPTV: Recommended appraisal guidelines for selecting born-digital master programs for preservation and deposit with the Library of Congress

This report discusses the application of value and selection criteria for the retention and long-term preservation of television programs. Besides giving an overview of current selection criteria, the document also provides recommendations for preserving “born digital” programs. The report focuses on works of public broadcasters.  

Catalogue of criteria for trusted long-term digital repositories

This publication contains a list of criteria to help ensure the reliability and durability of digital repositories protection. The 14 criteria are described at an abstract level, but are linked to concrete, German examples. Although this work is primarily applicable to a German situation, the content can be seen as an important contribution to the overall discussion on Trusted Digital …

Catalogue of Criteria for Trusted Digital Long-term Repositories, Version 1 (draft for public comment)

Contents: Summary&nbsp I. Introduction: Long-term preservation of digital objects The nestor criteria catalogue Basic principles for application of criteria The nestor Working Group on Trusted Respositories Certification II. Criteria Catalogue: A. Organisational framework B. Object management C. Infrastructure and Security III. Checklist IV. Glossary and abbreviations V. Bibliography. Deze publicatie bevat een lijst criteria die moeten helpen om de betrouwbaarheid …

Regionale audiovisuele collecties: nationale zorg

Contents: Inleiding 1. Achtergronden &nbsp 2. Resultaten in beeld en geluid &nbsp 3. Ervaringen &nbsp 4. Conclusies en aanbevelingen &nbsp Tot slot: samenvattende opmerkingen Bijlage: enquête. Het rapport werd samengesteld in het kader van het project Conservering Lokale en Regionale Audiovisuele Collecties 2002 – 2006. Het rapport beschrijft de ervaringen en conclusies van het project dat werd uitgevoerd binnen teintallen …