Contents: Introduction Concept of Trust Approaches to Trust Questionnaire Standards Standard and Certification References Bibliography Appendix 1. Dit rapport geeft een beschrijving van het onderwerp “betrouwbaarheid” vanuit verschillende disciplines, in relatie tot de eisen die moeten worden gesteld aan digitale repositories. Deze deliverable van het Europese project CASPAR biedt een overzicht van elementen …
JISC Project Report: Digitisation Programme Digital Preservation Study
In 2009, DPC with University of London Computer Centre and Portico carried out an extensive analysis for the JISC Digitisation Programme, examining the projects funded through this programme and assessing their plans for access beyond the existence of their project grants. A scaled down version of the report with analysis is published here and a number of case studies have …
Guidelines on the Production and Preservation of Digital Audio Objects (Web version)
Contents: Publication Information Introduction to the Second Edition Introduction to the First Edition 1. Background 2. Key Digital Principles 3. Metadata 4. Unique and Persistent Identifiers 5. Signal Extraction from Original Carriers 6. Preservation Target Formats and Systems 7. Small Scale Approaches to Digital Storage Systems 8. Optical Discs 9. Partnerships, Project Planning and Resources References. These extensive guidelines, subtitled …
International Preservation News. Number 47. Preservation of Audiovisual Collections, Moving Images
Contents: One of two special editions (the other is number 46, on still images and sound recordings) of the IFLA publication International Preservation News, focussing on audiovisual archives. This issue concerns moving image archives. It includes a variety of articles, about projects, archives and general av preservation issues. The range of subjects taken together, offer an interesting overview of activity …
Standaarden voor digitale archieven
Contents: Voorwoord 1 Inhoud 2 Inleiding en probleemstelling 3 Open Archival Information System (OAIS) 4 Dataformaten 5 Informatie over de data 6 Declaratieve containers 7 Digitale archivering : best practices 8 Conclusies 9 Bibliografie In het kader van het project BOM-Vlaanderen (Bewaring en Ontsluiting Multimediale data in Vlaanderen, 2008-2009) is de techniek van langetermijnbewaring van digitaal erfgoed onder de loup …
What? So What?: The Next-Generation JHOVE2 Architecture for Format-Aware Characterization
This article introduces the JHOVE2 format characterization tool, comparing it with its predecessor JHOVE, the first characterization framework developed and used by international digital library programs and preservation repositories. Besides going into JHOVE2 development and specifications, it explains why characterization is essential in digital preservation workflows and emphasizes the addition of an assessment functionality which allows the repository to determine …