ID3.4.1 Service Level Agreements for Preservation Services

Contents: This report looks at preservation services, whether out-sourced or in-house and the considerations that are important when defining the service level agreement (SLA) with the service provider. The majority concerns a proposal of 21 capabilities, 12 features of interest, 15 metrics, 12 quality of service terms, 4 constraints, 6 pricing terms and 7 penalty terms to be included in …

ID 3.2.1 Threats to data integrity from use of large-scale data management environments

Contents: Scope Executive summary 1. Assessing the risks to data integrity when preserving and accessing AV files 2. Example Risk Analysis focussing on data integrity 3. Failure modes and data corruption from mass storage technology 4. Errors for video, audio and images and their detection 5. File Quality-control in current use Annex 1: OCTAVE Allegro Worksheets Annex 2: OCTAVE Allegro …

ID 3.3.1 Media formats, identification methods and implementations for multivalent preservation

Contents: Scope 1. Executive summary 2. Problems with Audiovisual File Format Migration 3. The Proposed Technologies 4. Audiovisual Formats to be included in the Multivalent Framework 5. Glossary 6. References. This report describes the range and nature of problems in audiovisual digital preservation, particularly focussing on file formats, and the potential for Multivalent and iRODS technologies to address them. It …

D2.2.1 Preservation Process Modelling

Contents: Scope Executive summary 1. Sources 2. Overview of processes covered 3. BPMN Notation 4. Preliminary Phase 5. Formal Definition Phase 6. Ingest 7. Preservation 8. Access 9. Administration 10. Workflow Languages 11. Glossary 12. Annexes 13. List of Figures 14. List of References. This report uses Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) to describe in a graphical way a comprehensive …

ID3.1.1 Specification and Design of a Preservation Environment for Audiovisual Content

Contents: Scope Executive Summary 1. DPS Development Background 2. Review of Current Digital Preservation Support for AV 3. Tools Assessment 4. System Design 5. Data Model 6. Terms In order to develop an OAIS compliant digital preservation system (DPS) as part of its work in the PrestoPRIME project, ExLibris performed research on existing standards (including OAIS/PREMIS/METS), tools (for technical metadata …