This report reviews and assesses the overall progress achieved in the European Union in implementing Commission Recommendation of 27 October 2011 on the digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation (2011/711/EU), as well as the related Council Conclusions of 10 May 2012. The Commission presented a first report in 2008, with its Communication ‘Europe’s cultural heritage at …
Music and Sound Archives Community of Practice
Presentation of the Music and Sound Archives Community of Practice by Daniel Teruggi at the Presto4U Workshop ‘Digital Audiovisual Preservation in Communities of Practice: Learn, Collaborate and Share’. Including current problems and issues with an analysis of weak and strong needs regarding preservation and access; how interaction and collaboration can develop innovative solutions. Recommended for everyone within the domain of …
AV Insider 5: New Challenges for the Audiovisual Archivist
AV Insider is a quarterly magazine for the audiovisual digital preservation community. AV Insider Issue 5 (July 2014) is a special 44 pages summer edition about the new challenges for the audiovisual archivist: New support roles for the AV community Where can you find old manuals? How do you increase your digital maturity level? What we can learn from other practitioner communities …
How to help content owners to bring their collections to institutions?
Heritage institutions are increasingly interested in receiving contributions from users and content collectors. On the other hand, content holders are willing to give or to make accessible contents they have produced or inherited to institutions which can assure a long-term access and preservation of their values. This is why many initiatives have started in the last years to bring both …
AMIA 2015 Conference Presentations
Speaker presentations are posted as they are received. The following presentations are available for downloading: Advocacy: Personal Advocacy – The Power of One Benedict Olgado, University of the Philippines Diliman, Ray Edmondson, Archive Associates Pty Ltd, Débora Butruce, Mnemosine Ltd, Chalida Uabumrungjit, Thai Film Archive Competency-Based Frameworks for Moving Image Archiving Education Kelle Anzalone, Mission Hills High School, Karen Gracy, Kent State University, Dino Everett, Hugh …
AV Insider 6: TDR, Digital Preservation and the Soft Side of Technology
AV Insider is a quarterly magazine for the audiovisual digital preservation community. AV Insider Issue 6 (July 2015) is a special 31 pages edition about Trusted Digital Repositories, digital preservation and the soft side of technology: The challenges of becoming a Trusted Digital Repository Multimedia Preservation Application Format as metadata container Welcome to the jungle of preservation standards Automated metadata extraction and …