Contents: Samenvatting 1 Inleiding 1.1 Probleemstelling en plan van behandeling 1.2 Gebruiksmodaliteiten gedigitaliseerd erfgoed 2 Mechanismen van rights clearance 2.1 Inleiding 2.2 Individuele licenties 2.3 Collectieve licenties 2.4 Vrijwaring en aansprakelijkheidsbeperking 2.5 Wettelijke oplossingen voor het outsiderprobleem 2.6 Evaluatie 3 Vergoedingsgrondslagen 3.1 Inleiding 3.2 Economische theorie 3.3 Vergoedingsfactoren bij schadevergoeding wegens auteursrechtinbreuk 3.4 Vergoedingsfactoren bij misbruik van auteursrecht 3.5 Vergoedingsfactoren …
Handboek digitaliseren van analoge audiovisuele objecten (beeld en geluid)
Contents: Inhoud Inleiding 1. Doelstellingen bepalen 2. Beslissingstabel 3. Auteursrechten 4. Selectie materiaal 5. Analyse materiaal 6. Materiële voorbereiding 7. Bepalen kwaliteitsvereisten 8. Digitaliseren 9. Digitale restauratie 10. Kwaliteitscontroles 11. Raadplegingskopieën 12. Archivering en opname in digitaal depot 13. Glossarium 14. Literatuurlijst This deliverable from the Archipel project describes all the process steps involved in digitizing analogue audio, video and …
D7.6.1 Online Access to Audiovisual Heritage Status Report
Contents: Executive summary Introduction Part One–General Access to Audiovisual Heritage 2011 Status Report: 1. Providing access for different user groups through the digital content lifecycle 2. Trends in online access 3. Business models and added value of online audiovisual collections Part Two–Access to Audiovisual Heritage in the Educational Domain : 4. E-Learning 5. Value proposition and revenue models in education …
Green Paper on online distribution of audiovisual works
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. The digital single market for audiovisual media services 3. Policy approaches 4. Rights holder’s remuneration for online exploitation of audiovisual works 5. Special uses and beneficiaries 6. Next steps Met deze Green Paper opent de Europese Commissie de discussie over de mogelijkheden en uitdagingen van de online verspreiding van audiovisuele werken en het clearen van rechten …
Glossary of rights
The “Glossary of Rights” provides definitions for a broad list of terms commonly used in negotiations of rights on audiovisual contents. It represents a proposal for the use of a shared terminology for the negotiation and management of rights and it is also at the basis of the PrestoPRIME AudioVisual Rights Ontology. It includes translations into French, German and Italian, …
Access to film heritage in the digital era – Challenges and opportunities
Unlike archiving most other artifacts and objects, film preservation has always been heavily dependent on industry practice. The complicated and vast machinery involved in shooting, duplication, processing and projection of new films has been the same ones used for preserving and presenting film heritage. The recent shift from analogue to digital technology in capture, post-production and distribution of cinematographic works …