Guidelines for the creation of an institutional policy on digital preservation

Nestor – the Network of Expertise in Long-Term Storage have created a guideline that provides digital archives, irrespective of their particular organisational set-up or range of tasks, with assistance in creating their own institutional policy on digital preservation. It tackles the questions: What is the purpose of a policy? What must a policy cover? How is a policy produced? An institutional preservation policy in the …

Preservation Case Studies for Archives

Preservation Case Studies for Archives is an innovative educational experience that places the student in the role of the decision maker.  Through a dynamic process of idea exchange, students first learn about the situation, then identify and analyse the problems to determine the causes, and finally develop alternative strategies for a solution. Preservation Case Studies for Archives provides the context …

Preservation Guide

Click on the links below to access the PDF’s. Navigation Guide Introduction Overview of Preservation 1 What is preservation 1.1 Maintenance 1.2 Digitisation 1.3 Conservation 1.4 Restoration 1.5 What this document covers, and doesn’t cover Getting Started 2.1 Where to start: cartography! 2.2 Muster your resources 2.3 Prioritise Develop a Strategy 3 Collection strategy 3.1 Long-term purpose if the preservation …

Digital Preservation Sound and Vision: Policy, Standards and Procedures

The purpose of this document is to contribute to the development and promotion of the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid) as a leading audio-visual archive that has identified sustainable digital preservation as its primary business. With that in mind, this document explicitly outlines all principles and choices that form the basis for execution …

EYE Collectiebeleidsplan 2018-2021

Het Eye Collectiebeleidsplan 2018-2021 geeft inzage in de werkzaamheden van Eye en de ambities op het gebied van conservering, digitalisering, restauratie en ontsluiting van filmerfgoed. Eye heeft de afgelopen zeventig jaar een internationaal toonaangevende collectie verworven die de hele filmgeschiedenis omspant, van stille films uit de beginperiode van de cinema tot en met de meest recente Nederlandse bioscoopfilms. Voor de …