This manual gives details of some of the techniques to be followed when old sound recordings are transferred to more modern carriers. It is aimed primarily at the professional archivist transferring them to conserve them, and it is generally assumed that the purpose is to preserve the original sound. With the rapid pace of change in audio technology, analogue formats …
What? So What?: The next generation JHOVE2 architecture for format-aware characterization
This article introduces the JHOVE2 format characterization tool, comparing it with its predecessor JHOVE, the first characterization framework developed and used by international digital library programs and preservation repositories. Besides going into JHOVE2 development and specifications, it explains why characterization is essential in digital preservation workflows and emphasizes the addition of an assessment functionality which allows the repository to determine …
Lossless Video Codecs Comparison
The MSU Lossless Video Codec is a video codec developed by the Graphics & Media Lab Video Group of Moscow State University. The aim of development was producing lossless video at very high rate of compression. MSU currently has the second best compression ratio (behind YULS) when compared to many other lossless video codecs. The latest version, 1.2, was released …
Digital Tape Preservation Strategy: Preserving Data or Video?
This paper advocates for a data-transfer migration approach (FireWire) instead of an audiovisual signal output approach (SDI) when migrating tape based, digital born content in a DV codec. It describes the nature of DV tapes (miniDV and DVCam) and how transcoding the content rather than migrating the native data files results not only in a loss of valuable metadata, but …
Standaarden voor digitale archieven
Contents: Voorwoord 1 Inhoud 2 Inleiding en probleemstelling 3 Open Archival Information System (OAIS) 4 Dataformaten 5 Informatie over de data 6 Declaratieve containers 7 Digitale archivering : best practices 8 Conclusies 9 Bibliografie In het kader van het project BOM-Vlaanderen (Bewaring en Ontsluiting Multimediale data in Vlaanderen, 2008-2009) is de techniek van langetermijnbewaring van digitaal erfgoed onder de loup …
What? So What?: The Next-Generation JHOVE2 Architecture for Format-Aware Characterization
This article introduces the JHOVE2 format characterization tool, comparing it with its predecessor JHOVE, the first characterization framework developed and used by international digital library programs and preservation repositories. Besides going into JHOVE2 development and specifications, it explains why characterization is essential in digital preservation workflows and emphasizes the addition of an assessment functionality which allows the repository to determine …