Contents: Executive Summary – 1. Prologue 2. Media Preservation Initiative Task Force Recommendations 3. Background 4. Preservation Planning 5. Strategies for Film 6. Facility Planning 7. Access 8. Technology Infrastructure and Needs 9. Campus Engagement 10. Next Steps Appendix 1: Project Structure and Personnel This report presents the findings and recommendations of the Indiana University (IU) Bloomington Media Preservation Task …
Digital Agenda for the European Film Heritage
This report focuses on the preservation of, and the access to European cinematographic heritage. The report is based on a survey launched in January 2011 to assess the impact of digitisation for European film archives. The survey was conducted by peacefulfish Productions Ltd, subcontractors were Red Cat Technologies, the University of Helsinki/IPR University Center and the external expert Nicola Mazzanti. …
Automated Industrial Digitization of Betacam Tapes – with MXF generation and validation
This article describes what RAI has done about digitisation in the specific case of Betacam-like tapes. It also describes the devices and software employed, giving particular emphasis to quality issues.
QC — and long-term archiving experience
During the digitisation of legacy archive material at ORF, the Austrian public-service broadcaster, hundreds of thousands of video cassettes will need to be converted to digital file formats over the next decade. To guarantee the sustainable usability of this file-based material, thoroughly-planned guidelines for Quality Control (QC) have to be worked out. Although some QC tools already exist, their detailed …
Analysis of Archive Film Material
A report on a study by the Technical University of Vienna and the Austrian Film Museum of content analysis (automatic indexing supporting search and retrieval) of archive film. The approach is not ground-breaking when applied to video content, but in this study they were specifically concerned with archived film. Therefore there were the additional problems of digitisation of archived film, plus …
Digitization for Film Archives — Assorted Complications
This brief publication (4 pages) mentions a variety of issues that may arise during film digitization projects. Topics include Scanning (tests, capture, expertise, metadata); Post-Scanning (playback issues, grading, qc); DPX files (header and channel issues, storage and size); Audio (workflow issues); and Output (access requirements). This summary guideline is actually a sort of ‘alert’ list, alerting film archivists to potential …