In zeven jaar tijd hebben Beeld en Geluid, EYE Filmmuseum, het Nationaal Archief en Kennisland meer dan 90 duizend uur video, 20 duizend uur film, zo’n 100 duizend uur audio en 2,5 miljoen foto’s geconserveerd en gedigitaliseerd. Het gedigitaliseerde materiaal wordt inmiddels hergebruikt in talloze toepassingen, van lesmateriaal en Wikipedia tot apps en diensten voor de creatieve industrie. Beelden voor …
meemoo publicaties over digitalisering
meemoo, het Vlaams Instituut voor het Archief schreef diverse rapporten met lessons learned van digitaliseringsprojecten van verschillende dragertypen.
Building Workflows for Digitization and Digital Preservation – Memnon and DR
This is the presentation given by Michel Merten (Memnon) and Tobias Golodnoff (Danish Broadcasting Corporation) as part of the Building Workflows for Digitisation and Digital Preservation session at Screening the Future 2011. In this presentation, Merten and Golodnoff discuss the DAT Digitisation project of the Danish Broadcasting Corporation, and Memnon’s technical and planning involvement. The presentation includes the key steps …
American Film Archive
American Film Archive is an online educational resource for filmmakers seeking to safeguard their digital video / motion picture data for long-term preservation. The site has a variety of information, covering: Preservation: an introduction to developing a preservation strategy for moving image / digital video collection. Reports: online resources on preservation and technology; practical advice from journals, books, articles and other …
Snell & Wilcox- Your Essential Guide to Digital
The series of Snell& Wilcox handbooks is a series of very detailed instruction manuals on digitisation, aimed at engineers.
Handbook for digital projects: A Management Tool for Preservation and Access
This handbook, created by the Northeast Document Convention Center (NEDCC), serves as a management tool for institutions concerned with preservation-and-access issues. The goal was to produce an easy-to-use primer focused on meeting the information needs of libraries, museums, archives, and other collection holding institutions. This manual is intended to serve as a resource and response. It can help administrators and …