Determining techniques for “wow”distortion

Algorithms for determining the wow distortion characteristic are proposed. These are the power-line-hum tracking algorithm, the high-frequency-bias tracking algorithm, and the algorithm based on an adaptive analysis of the center of gravity of the spectrum of the distorted signal. All of the algorithms presented allow a hardware- or software-based implementation.

MTS Pilot tracking algorithm for “wow”distortion

New algorithm for detection of the wow distortion characteristic basing on the MTS pilot tracking is introduced. By observing a variation of the pilot frequency, the depth of the parasitic modulation can be estimated. MTS is an audio coding system used in an NTSC television standard, thus the algorithm is applicable only in that type of recordings. It is based …

Archival Sound Recordings Project: Lessons Learned

Contents: Introduction Executive Summary Project Planning, Implementation & Communication Procurement Contract Management Technical Documentation & Metadata Development Intellectual Properyty Rights (IPR) Clearance Project Resources & Internal Communications Web Delivery Conclusion. This “Lessons Learned” report focuses on the issues that arose during the British Library Sound Archive’s first digitization project which took place between 2004 and 2007. Topics covered include the …

Sounds familiar?

Contents: Sounds familiar? homepage Regional Voices Changing Voices Your Voices Case Studies Activities Deze thema website geeft bezoekers de gelegenheid om te luisteren naar een selectie van 71 opnames en meer dan 600 korte audio clips uit 2 collecties van het gesproken woord archief van de British Library. Door deze opnames uit het ‘Survey of English Dialects’ of uit de …

Format Characteristics and Preservation Problems

The Field Audio Collection Evaluation Tool (FACET) is a point-based, open-source software tool that ranks audio field collections based on preservation condition, including the level of deterioration they exhibit and the degree of risk they carry. It assesses the characteristics, preservation problems, and modes of deterioration associated with the following formats: open reel tape (polyester, acetate, paper and PVC bases), …

Audio Tape Digitisation Workflow

This work is aimed at newcomers to the world of audio tape digitisation. It was developed as a training tool for project TAPE (Training for Audiovisual Preservation in Europe), which ended in 2008. It describes the workflow from the tapes and machines preparatory to conversion. At each point in the workflow is a list of useful literature references.