NARA Digitization Services Products and Services

The Digitization Services and Product Services website from The Digitization Services Branch at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) informs internal clients at NARA about the different choices (products) they offer when an internal ‘customer’ needs copies of analogue holdings. Based on the type of original source material, the client is directed to a description of various ‘products’ and …

Refining Conversion Contract Specifications: Determining Suitable Digital Video Formats for Medium-term Storage

Contents: What is this document? Video preservation in a digital context Practice variation at the Library and in the wider community Options for an interim approach About classes and categories Category 1. Analog source Category 2. Digital source (media dependent, non-transcoded transfer possible Category 3. Digital source (media dependent, transcoded transfer required Category 4. Digital source (media independent “file based”) …

QC — and long-term archiving experience

During the digitisation of legacy archive material at ORF, the Austrian public-service broadcaster, hundreds of thousands of video cassettes will need to be converted to digital file formats over the next decade. To guarantee the sustainable usability of this file-based material, thoroughly-planned guidelines for Quality Control (QC) have to be worked out. Although some QC tools already exist, their detailed …

Preserving Moving Pictures and Sound

This report is for anyone with responsibility for collections of sound or moving image content and an interest in preservation of that content. New content is born digital, analogue audio and video need digitisation to survive and film requires digitisation for access. Consequently, digital preservation will be relevant over time to all these areas. The report concentrates on digitisation, encoding, file formats and …

AV Insider 4: Film, Files, Formats, and the Future

AV Insider is a quarterly magazine for the audiovisual digital preservation community. AV Insider issue 4 (December 2013) is themed “Film, Files, Formats, and the Future”. This issue covers technical guidelines and examples of good practice for film digitisation from both Memoriav (Switzerland) and the Institute for Sound and Vision (Netherlands). They have both looked at many options and have …