In the interest of gaining a broad view of contemporary digital preservation practice in North American research libraries, this paper presents the findings of a study of file format policies at Association of Research Libraries (ARL) member institutions. It is intended to present the digital preservation community with an assessment of the level of trust currently placed in common file …
Exchange of Video Assets – Best Practices and Standards in Different Organisations
This recorded webinar poses several questions and answers on the importance of best practices and standards in the exchange of video assets across a diverse range of organisations within the media industry. How are assets and media files exposed, exchanged, compressed, adopted? How is metadata used in order to ensure information flow and reuse of data? How are media files …
Digital Preservation: Online Resources
If you are new to the world of digital preservation, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the multitude of technical terms and professional practices to contend with, and the fact that standards never seem to stay in place for very long. Fortunately, there are many resources related to digital preservation available on the internet. Unfortunately, the large amount of websites, …