IASA TC-03 identifies problem areas and makes recommendations for the use of audiovisual archives in a modern technical environment. These recommendations should be seen as a balance between the ideal and reality. This paper sets out the general ethical and technical principles that underlie audio preservation. The document contains recommendations for digitization and file formats, but does not address …
What’s on HDTV- 2K,4K, who do we appreciate?
The “What’s on HDtv?” blog is about video (and, occasionally, audio) in the HDTV age. This article is about 2K vs. 4K resolutions and which to choose.
The Safeguarding of the Audio Heritage: Ethics, Principles and Preservation Strategy, Version 3
Contents: 0. Ethical considerations 1. The task of sound archives 2. Primary and secondary information  3. The instability and vulnerability of audio carriers 4. Obsolescence of formats 5. Safeguarding the information 6. Selection of best copy and carrier restoration 7. Optimal signal retrieval from original carriers 8. Unmodified transfer to a new target format 9. Improvements in transfer technologies 10. …
Archiving: Experiences with telecine transfer of film to digital formats
Contents: Introduction  Decisions on Scanning Format  Scanning Tests  The Results  Overall Conclusions  Details of the Tests and Results. Dit rapport gaat over het digitaliseren van film door middel van het Telecine-proces. Het biedt informatie over de belangrijke vraagstukken in dit kader, zoals bijvoorbeeld het benodigde Telecine scanformaat. Het rapport beschrijft het Telecine-proces zoals dat zich binnen de Duitse omroep SWR …
D5.3 Tools for Automation of Difficult Media
Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Difficult media: which and why? 3. Preservation Background 4. Recommendations 5. Improvement Tracks 6. Pitfalls 7. Conclusions 8. Glossary. This report describes best practice solutions when digitizing large amounts of ‘difficult media’: film rolls, open reel video and audio tapes, and 78 rpm audio disks. It begins by explaining what it considers ‘difficult’ about these media …
Regionale audiovisuele collecties: nationale zorg
Contents: Inleiding 1. Achtergronden   2. Resultaten in beeld en geluid   3. Ervaringen   4. Conclusies en aanbevelingen   Tot slot: samenvattende opmerkingen Bijlage: enquête. Het rapport werd samengesteld in het kader van het project Conservering Lokale en Regionale Audiovisuele Collecties 2002 – 2006. Het rapport beschrijft de ervaringen en conclusies van het project dat werd uitgevoerd binnen teintallen …