Contents: 1.0 Background 2.0 Discovering and acquiring films 3.0 Film and video digitization 4.0 Website Infrastructure 5.0 Metadata 6.0 Preservation 7.0 Advertising and Outreach 8.0 Evaluation 9.0 Appendices and links 10. Works cited and bibliography This guide describes how the Folkstreams project selects, acquires, digitizes and provides access to documentary films about American folk or roots cultures. It addresses selection …
Video Preservation Website
Contents: Home Migration Digital Migration Traditional Video ID Equipment Museum Library About. A website focussed on videotape. The section ‘Migration digital’ includes a description of the digital capture process using video capture cards for the acquisition of files which are output as self-contained individual video files; ‘Migration traditional’ contains information that will help users follow the traditional pathways to video …
Digitaliseren van analoge archiefdocumenten
Deze richtlijn geeft een overzicht waarin voor elke type document , inclusief audio en video, de belangrijkste digitaliseringsparameters, de meest courante instellingen en de geschikte archiveringsformaten opgesomd worden. De keuze van geschikte archiveringsformaten is gebaseerd op de lange termijn bewaarstrategie voor digitale archiefdocumenten die het DAVID-project in zijn vademecum voorstelt. Het overzicht wordt voorafgegaan door een aantal algemene aanbevelingen. Dit …
D7.1.4 Audiovisual Digital Preservation Status Report 2
Contents: Scope Executive Summary 1 A summary of PrestoPRIME public activity in 2010 2 A Digital Preservation Primer 3 Digital Management and Preservation 4 Technology – Brief Encounters 5 Century Store – shining light into the “digital black hole” 6 Relevance of Digital Preservation to Broadcast Archives 7 Glossary Voor de zesde maal verschijnt deze jaarlijkse stand van zaken over …
D7.1.5 Audiovisual Digital Preservation Status Report 3
Contents: Scope Executive summary 1. A summary of PrestoPRIME public activity in 2011 2. PrestoPRIME technology 3. PrestoCentre Developments in 2011 4. Technology – Brief Encounters 5. UK, European and International Developments 6. Preservation of Signals 7. Glossary 8. References This status report is the seventh in a series of annual reviews of audiovisual preservation in Europe produced by the …
D6.3.1 Financial Models and Calculation Mechanisms
Contents: Executive Summary 1 Introduction 2 Concepts 2.1 Sustainability 2.2 Constants, and predictable changes in archive costs 2.3 Time, Risks and Dependencies 2.4 Tradeoffs between Cost, Quality, and Risk 2.5 Activity Models, Lifecycle Costing, and OAIS 3 Making Estimates 3.1 Guidance from PrestoSpace 3.2 Guidance from Other PrestoPRIME Deliverables 4 Detailed Cost Models 4.1 Life Project 4.2 Keeping Research Data …