Wotsit: The Programmers File and Data Resource

Contents: Full list Graphic Files 3D Graphics Files CAD Files Movies/Animations Archive Files Binaries Spreadsheet/Database Financial/Stocks Font Files Game Files Text Files/Documents Internet related Sound & Music Windows Files GIS Formats Comms Formats Printer Formats Hardware Formats Miscellaneous. Een overzichtsite voor file- en data formaten, speciaal gericht op programmeurs. De site biedt informatie over honderden verschillende filetypen en datatypen maar …

Video Preservation Website

Contents: Home Migration Digital Migration Traditional Video ID Equipment Museum Library About. A website focussed on videotape. The section ‘Migration digital’ includes a description of the digital capture process using video capture cards for the acquisition of files which are output as self-contained individual video files; ‘Migration traditional’ contains information that will help users follow the traditional pathways to video …

Digitaliseren van analoge archiefdocumenten

Deze richtlijn geeft een overzicht waarin voor elke type document , inclusief audio en video, de belangrijkste digitaliseringsparameters, de meest courante instellingen en de geschikte archiveringsformaten opgesomd worden. De keuze van geschikte archiveringsformaten is gebaseerd op de lange termijn bewaarstrategie voor digitale archiefdocumenten die het DAVID-project in zijn vademecum voorstelt. Het overzicht wordt voorafgegaan door een aantal algemene aanbevelingen. Dit …

NARA Digitization Services Products and Services

The Digitization Services and Product Services website from The Digitization Services Branch at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) informs internal clients at NARA about the different choices (products) they offer when an internal ‘customer’ needs copies of analogue holdings. Based on the type of original source material, the client is directed to a description of various ‘products’ and …

Digitising Video for Long-Term Preservation: An RFP Guide and Template

This guide is intended to take an institution step-by-step through the process of drafting a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the transfer of analog video — specifically VHS — to digital carriers for preservation. The template can be used by libraries, archives, and other cultural heritage institutions and submitted to qualified transfer vendors. It should instill a bit more confidence in …