A framework of guidance for building good digital collections

  Overview of the main components of creating and managing digital collections. Provides a framework for identification, organisation and application of (existing) knowledge. The document is intended for two types of readers: cultural heritage organizations that start projects for the creation of digital collections and funding organisations wanting to support the development of sustainable digital archives. The principles for assessing …

TRAC: Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification: Criteria and checklist

This document contains the current best practice on the organisational and technical infrastructure for reliable storage of digital collections, or trusted repositories. The document discusses the criteria trusted repositories should comply with, giving examples. The checklist – that begins with self assessment – can be used to get a picture of an orgaznisation’s own skill and the threats and risks …

Images of the Past. 7 years of Images for the Future

Over a period of seven years Sound and Vision, EYE Film Institute, the National Archives and Kennisland preserved over 90,000 hours of video, 20,000 hours of film, some 100,000 hours of audio and 2,500,000 photos. The digitised material is now being reused for numerous purposes, from learning material and Wikipedia to apps and services for the creative industry. Images for the …

D22.9 Annual Report on Preservation Issues for European Audiovisual Collections (2008)

Contents: 1. Document Scope 2. Executive Summary 3. Update on audiovisual digitisation projects and technology 4. Activities supporting audiovisual preservation 5. Preserving Files 6. Access 7. The PrestoSpace Year in Review 8. Life After PrestoSpace. This survey report describes audiovisual preservation and access initiatives underway in 2007. It covers the employment of automation technology, provides a ‘short list’ of major …

Trustworthy Repositories Audit and Certification (TRAC): Criteria and Checklist

Contents: Introduction&nbsp Using this Checklist for Audit &amp Certification&nbsp Audit &amp Certification Criteria&nbsp Criteria for Measuring Trustworthiness of Digital Repositories and Archives: Audit Checklist&nbsp References&nbsp Appendix 1: Glossary&nbsp Appendix 2: Understandability and Use&nbsp Appendix 3: Minimum Requirement Documents&nbsp Appendix 4: A Perspective on Ingest&nbsp Appendix 5: Preservation Planning &amp Strategies&nbsp Appendix 6: Understanding Digital Repositories &amp Access Functionality. Dit document …

Archival Sound Recordings Project: Lessons Learned

Contents: Introduction Executive Summary Project Planning, Implementation & Communication Procurement Contract Management Technical Documentation & Metadata Development Intellectual Properyty Rights (IPR) Clearance Project Resources & Internal Communications Web Delivery Conclusion. This “Lessons Learned” report focuses on the issues that arose during the British Library Sound Archive’s first digitization project which took place between 2004 and 2007. Topics covered include the …